Generally, when you enjoy something, you’re more likely to do it again and again, no matter how tough or challenging it may be. When striving to stay on top of your fitness goals, having fun is super important as it acts as motivation to carry on.
Keeping fit doesn’t have to mean going to the gym at 6AM on a Monday morning. Let’s be real, the first few weeks of the New Year is always the busiest!
We hear it. 🥱

Thankfully, there are tons of fun activities available in London that don’t involve barbells but do involve putting you through your paces.
To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of things that you could do to keep active in the New Year, without stepping foot in the gym.
1. Bouldering
There’s no other way to release your inner ✨ Tarzan ✨ than to sign up for a bouldering session. Bouldering is a style of rock climbing where ropes and harnesses are not required. Though, don’t be alarmed, this activity involves a low height climbing wall and crash pads so that climbers can land safely. Climbers have a choice of routes which are determined by the colour of rocks, with each route differing in complexity.
Bouldering is a high-intensity, full body workout that strengthens everything from your core, to your upper and lower body. For beginners, we recommend climbing indoors though it can also be done outdoors.
Recommendation: City Bouldering
2. Roller Skating
The ‘80s’/90s era had roller skating in a chokehold and since then, there has been a resurgence for this joyous and majestic activity. If you’re looking for a fun way of incorporating cardio into your schedule, throwing on some roller blades would be the perfect substitute.
Like bouldering, roller skating is an effective full body workout which can be done indoors or outdoors. If you’re into roller discos, there’s many to choose from with live DJ’s, good food, drinks, and overall great vibes.
Click here to see @ayyskates skate away in our rookie set:
Recommendation: Flippers London
3. Puppy Yoga
As the title suggests, this form of activity offers a combination of traditional yoga with the addition of puppies, bunnies or kittens. Typical sessions begin with puppy play-time, allowing groups to engage with the puppies. This is then followed by the main yoga class with the puppies by your side as you plank.
This particular practice is proven to instantly lift your mood as it boosts serotonin, and positively impacts your mental health and well-being.
Recommendation: Paw Pal Yoga
4. Ping Pong
Although Ping Pong can be very tekky with little room for error, it’s a super easy game to learn and enjoy. At Bounce, you can challenge yourself to a unique interactive ping pong experience in the heart of London. This differs from your standard ping pong game as it features an immersive ball-hitting experience with different targets and objectives laid out for you on the ping pong table.
Ping pong is a fun and fast-paced activity which helps to tone muscles when executing different strokes. This activity can be played alone or with a friend if you enjoy being competitive.
Recommendation: Bounce
NB: Although our suggestions are London based, a lot of these activities can be found in areas all over the world. Thank us later, #imjwrld.